Jun 22, 2006
Jun 13, 2006
Cellphone radiation? Phffft!
Ever since the cellphone has become ubiquitous, so have reports about the dangers of cellphone radiation, with mixed results. Either we're going to see a global pandemic of brain tumors over the next couple of decades, or not.
In the same vein, the newer WiMAX technology, which allows for (among other things) long-range wireless internet access, seems to be an even bigger threat, if this Inquirer article (UK not National), is to be believed.
within hours of the WiMAX base-station being activated, local hospital emergency services received calls from residents with compaints ranging from sharp headaches and difficulty breathing, blurry vision, and, according to a report, two cases of heart arrhythmia.
The sufferers' symptoms are said to have subsided after they moved away from the base-station.
Now, I'm all for wireless access everywhere, and am glad that my hometown is doing it starting this fall, but let's just hope they stick with good old WiFi for now.
Labels: tech
Jun 8, 2006
Electronic Voting Fraud - Redux.
Ever since the contentious 2003 US Presidential election, a number of groups have been studying the data, looking at potential irregularities and so on.
The most recent issue of Rolling Stone actually has an article online that makes for an interesting summation, though even ostensibly left-leaning websites like Salon are pooh-poohing it, with little coverage in the mainstream news.
But finally, the mainstream news is waking up to the issues surrounding electronic voting.
Watch the punchline... ehm... I mean video, here.
BTW, not to knock bradblog.com, which is a great blog.
Labels: tech
Jun 6, 2006
My Spidey Sense Is Tingling
Of course, only if it has anything to do with electo-magnetic fields.
What if, seconds before your laptop began stalling, you could feel the hard drive spin up under the load? Or you could tell if an electrical cord was live before you touched it? For the few people who have rare earth magnets implanted in their fingers, these are among the reported effects -- a finger that feels electromagnetic fields along with the normal sense of touch.
It's a fun, fascinating read, although I don't think I'll be getting a magnet installed anytime soon.
Labels: tech
Jun 5, 2006
Animator vs Animation
As someone who works in Flash, I gotta say that this animation is hilarious.
read more | digg story
read more | digg story
Labels: fun stuff