Jun 10, 2009

rgbFilter 017 - Drag Me to Cells

The latest episode of the rgbFilter podcast...

If you were planning on upgrading to a new smart phone this summer, we recommend that you give a listen to the mobile section of this episode to get an overview of what's new or soon to be released.

We also take a look at Sam Raimi's "Drag Me To Hell", "inFAMOUS" for the PS3 and "Punch Out" for the Wii, and more!

This episode marks some upgrades and changes to the production end of the show, so you'll see and especially hear a marked increase in quality (so we hope). We'll also be adding a WMV feed at a full 720x408 resolution.

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Jun 26, 2008

rgbfilter.com eats my time

A new project that I've been working on with some friends is finally coming to fruition. That would be rgbfilter.com and it's related weekly podcast, the third episode of which you can watch part of right now. The section available below is basically a tribute to FX maestro Stan Winston after his passing.

Online Videos by Veoh.com

I'm one of the co-hosts, as well as editor. Because of that, much of what I would be posting here ends up there. The focus of rgbfilter.com is on technology and entertainment, and we try to focus on the point of view for content creators, whether you're an indie film maker, animator, designer etc.

So I hope you check it out either by watching the full show with the Veoh player, or by subscribing to the RSS feed, and let us know what you think in the rgbfilter forums.

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