
Note that most of these tutorials aren't very in-depth. For the most part they were whipped out quickly in response to questions asked on various 3D animation mailing lists. From time to time, I may alter them, or add others, and I hope you find them helpful. If you see any glaring errors, or have any suggestions to improve them, feel free to contact me.

12 Jan 2007 - NOTE: Over the last couple of days, I've taken the old "non-blogified" versions of many of my pages, and put them in blog form. The old static links are still active, but have a slightly older version of the template. I'll probably put redirects on them shortly.

25 Oct 2005 - NOTE: The fine folks over at FrenchWave have translated my RLA tutorials into, you guessed it, French!

26 May 2003 - NOTE: A couple of these have been translated into other languages, which I think is pretty cool. Obviously SOMEONE is finding some use for them. I've provided direct links to foreign language translations. If you know of any others, feel free to write me.

Ashtray Quicky Tutorial - how to get a nice little dip for the cigarette holder on an ashtray
Gradient Alpha Tutorial - using Gradient Alphas to make an image "print" on a piece of paper. NOTE: This has been translated into Russian. To see it, click here...

RLA Fun Tutorial - using the additional info provided in the Image Filter > Extended RLA Export to add extra post-production control in After Effects 5.5 (though it should apply to other compositing programs as well.

NOTE: This has been translated into Italian. To see it, click here

RLA Fun Part II - This additional tutorial demonstrates a practical use of the RLA image format.

ANOTHER NOTE: Both of these tutorials have also been translated into french. They can be seen here.