Originally posted over at rgbFilter.
As we’ve covered many times in the past, Bell has continued to put a stranglehold on innovation in Canada’s DSL infrastructure, as we’ve seen our rankings in the world continue to slip further back. Although slow in coming, the CRTC hearings continue regarding Bell throttling 3rd party wholesale customer, and public input for round two is open, until June 22nd.
The following letter was sent out by TekSavvy CEO Rocky Gaudrault to all customers, and details exactly how to submit your comments to the CRTC.
Dear Customers,
In March 2008 Bell started throttling its Wholesale Customers (TekSavvy among a group of many) without notice. We attempted to have the CRTC force Bell to stop as it removed our ability to do business and give Market choice. The throttling was done in the name of congestion, even if Bell, at
the same time launched higher speeds (which they did not share with their
wholesalers) and also dabbled with launching IPTV, which consumes even more capacity.The CRTC sided with Bell in November 2008 but launched a Public Hearing to discuss Network Management Practices, clearly showing they made a decision on throttling without having all the details in hand to do so. As a result we launched a request to reverse their decision from November (The Review &
Vary) in May 2009.The only way we are going to make a difference at this point is to get full public support to stop companies like Bell from bullying the market and the regulators! The Telecom and Cableco Monopolies control 96% of our marketplace, so if we don’t stand up and voice our concerns, this will become a two party dance where choices and services are going to be completely removed and rates raised to unreasonable levels!
Here are the details on how to submit your comments:
1) Go to:
http://support.crtc.gc.ca/crtcsubmissionmu/forms/Telecom.aspx?lang=e2) Select “Part VII / PN ” from the drop down list and then click “Next”
3) In box entitled “Subject” line, insert “CRTC File #:
8662-P8-200907727″4) In the box entitled “Description / Comments / Questions”, insert any comments that you may have on the review and vary application.
5) If you would like to attach a document, select “yes” and follow the instructions for attaching a file.
As indicated in the Title, I believe the deadline is June 22nd, so don’t wait to long
PS – R&V details here:
Couldn’t agree more!